Use Walking Exercise For Healthy Weight Loss

Lets look at walking as a means to lose weight. There are different types of walking you can do to lose weight and they are not too strenuous for everyone to have ago at. It has been proven that walking around 10,000 steps a day will burn calories and improve your health. You are probably gasping at doing 10,000 steps, which seems like a lot, but you have to know that the average person walks between 3,000-4,000 steps per day.

Wherever you are, the mere act of walking at a brisk pace can build stamina, help burn those excess calories and as a bonus give you a healthier heart.

Walking For Healthy Weight Loss

Walking for a healthy weight loss, but you have to walk briskly to burn those calories

Why Use Walking For A Healthy Weight loss?

Walking is the simplest form of exercise and is one we use every day of our lives, unless you can’t, due to a disability. Walking can be done almost anywhere, at any time, and in any weather. Whether you are climbing stairs, walking up a hill, or just strolling to the shops. Many of us have lost the habit of walking further than we need due to our hectic lives; our own personal safety and we rely on other means of transport to get us from A to B.

Our bodies were designed by nature to use our legs to stand, walk, run or kneel. Unfortunately we are using them less and less and many of us are paying the price by not using walking as a means to a healthy weight loss. You have to use your legs to maintain the muscles and improve your circulation. Walking also helps strengthen your bones, and as a bonus also tones your bottom.

Okay, So How do you Measure How Many Step You Are Taking?

The best way is to buy or borrow a pedometer, which clips onto your waistband and simply measures how many steps you take over a given distance. As a rough guide for every ten minutes of brisk walking you will do one thousand steps. This is important as it gives you a guide as to how long you will be before you can walk ten thousand steps. Begin slowly at first and build up your number of steps until you build more stamina. No one expects you to do ten thousand steps your first time out. Don’ t expect to do this amount of steps the first time out.

The Big Question Is For A Healthy Weight Loss:

How many calories will 10, 000 steps, briskly walked, burn? There is no set number, but let’s say that a person weighing seventy kilograms (about 11 stone) they will burn about 440 calories. If you’re looking for a healthy weight loss, you should aim to burn 600 calories more than you consume through food/drink every day.

There is no magic bullet you have to combine exercise with the right diet to get the results. You have to find the ways you can use to walk more. But increasing your walking is easier than you think. Write down on piece of paper where you can walk to instead of driving, then consider your options. Lets face it, walking is an exercise everyone can do and you don’t have to buy a gym membership to begin.

Here Are Some ideas, Use Walking Exercise For Healthy Weight Loss:

  1. If you catch a bus too and from work then try getting of one stop earlier and walk the rest of the way home. You will soon find out what works for you.
  2. Every type of walking you intend to do needs to be assessed before committing to it. Use what works for you, for instance you could walk to the station instead of taking the car or bus, walk the children to school, and if you have a dog then you have no excuse get out on those long walks with it. If you are to shy to go it alone then find a walking partner so you have someone to chat to as you walk.
  3. The use of an MP3 player has become commonplace and you could listen to your favourite music or podcasts as you go. Please be careful in traffic, as you will not hear it coming. plan interesting walks during your days off
  4. There are plenty of walking clubs around if you do some research this could be a possible option and you might enjoy the company.
  5. Walking should be fun and using it for a healthy weight loss is what you are trying to achieve, so now you have started continue walking for the rest of your life and involve your friends and family. The more you do the stronger and fitter you will become.

Becoming active has to be a lifelong habit and it’s great for getting a healthy weight loss, it has also been proven to lift your mood, and can also reduce the risk of several serious diseases, like heart disease. Don’t be in a hurry take your time while doing this form of regular activity. Eventually it will become a healthy weight loss habit, so just keep walking and it will soon become second nature. Then doing 10,000 steps a day will feel like child-play.

Video. walking for weight loss: 2 clever ways to walk off 25 lbs in 30 days

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