Pat Forehead - Easy Way to Control Your Appetite

When stress or being happy, usually desire to eat large meals often unstoppable and then you can't control your apetite. However, a researcher from the United States found an easy trick to help overcome this. One of them with a pat forehead.

Pat Forehead is Easy Way to Control Your Appetite

Researcher named Richard Weil, M.Ed. CDE find the trick after a trial on 55 men and women were classified as obese or overweight.

Each of them was asked to do three things which claimed Richard can distract a person of appetite or desire to eat the excess portion.

The experiment began by asking participants to imagine four types of foods they like. Then participants were asked to provide an assessment of the intensity of their appetite for each meal as well as describe how clear picture of the food in the minds of participants.

Afterwards, participants were asked to perform four ways that have been claimed can reduce a person's appetite, which is tapped his forehead, ear pat, pat toes, and staring at a blank wall. Each for 30 seconds.

As a result, the fourth method proved effective for appetite control participants who have a body mass index average is 43.7.

Interestingly, the most effective is patting forehead, because they can disguise the picture of food on the participants' thinking. As quoted from the NY Daily News, Sunday (11/09/2014)

Even in this way proved to neutralize one's appetite up to 10 percent larger than other tricks.

"So the idea to reduce the desire to eat your favorite foods that we actually can indeed be done. No matter what your weight, and this can be used as a strategy to lose weight," said Richard who is also director of the Weight Loss Program at Mount Sinai St. Luke's Hospital, New York City is.

So why fat people are fond of eating? According to the nutrition lecturer at the Polytechnic of Jakarta Health II, Rita Ramayulis, DCN, Kes, in a state of satiety, the body will form a hormone called leptin, which makes a person become lost appetite.

"However, leptin levels in obese people tend to be lower. So, when to eat and are satisfied he would still be able to accommodate the intake. Because leptin decreases appetite duty was not released. So he continued to eat when the stomach is full," said Rita to Weight Loss Success Story Blog some time ago.

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